
Finding time to Chat with Mrs. Langevin

- If we have arranged with your classroom teacher and parent for you to meet with me then I will let you know what that regular time will be and we will begin to meet weekly for 20-30 minutes. This usually lasts for 4-6 weeks.

- It is possible to meet once or twice during the year for brief check-ins.

- If a problem comes up and you would like to check in with me on your own you can:

*Try to find me in the morning or at lunch, or ask about my schedule at the front office.

- Sometimes I'm available right away, especially if you come to me at the beginning of the day. Be sure to check in with your teacher first so they always know where you are.

- Occasionally I might get pulled away for an emergency or meeting and not be able to meet with a student at our regular time. Leave me a note on my door that you came and I will check in with you later in the day.


Focus on the moment to reduce stress, anxiety, and strong emotions. Notice the sensations surrounding you: sounds, smells, tastes, sights, and touch. Check in with your body. How do your muscles feel? Pay attention to your breathing and your heart rate. What can you do slow your heart rate down?

To focus on the moment try:

taking big belly breaths,

lazy eight breathing,

tensing and relaxing muscles,

think about a happy memory, or

imagine that your visiting a favorite place.