You have reached the old WMS website. This site will remain available through the end of the 2019 school year. The new WMS website can be located at https://wms.watertown.k12.ma.us/
Assistant Principal
Contact Info.
68 Waverley Avenue
Watertown, MA 02472
617 926-7783 (phone)
617 926-5407 (fax)
School in Session:
8:30am - 3:00pm
Welcome Ms. Martin!
Welcome to Watertown Middle School's new principal, Ms. Donna Martin! Click here to view Ms. Martin's letter from the summer mailing.
Registration: You must make an appointment to register your child.
(Click here for the Registration Packet) or call Ms. Cardillo at 617-926-7783.
1:1 Chromebook webpage
Picture Day is Wednesday, September 12th!
Order forms were given to students this week. You can also order online at mylifetouch.com. The Picture Day ID is OB018064Q0.
Pasta Dinner Night for 6th Grade Families
Click here for information on the pasta dinner night on Wednesday, September 26th from 6-8 pm in the WMS Cafe!
Chromebook Contract Links Below
Student Leadership Website
Student Handbook
Student and Parent Handbook Section II
Watertown Splash
WMS School Calendar & District Events
Messages Home
Dear Parents,
Below you will find links to a form you and your child should fill out agreeing to all of our WMS rules for students using Chromebooks. These rules reflect our Acceptable Use Policy for technology and are designed to ensure that our Chromebooks are used for educational purposes and are kept safe. If you would like to view the contract in a different language, we have translated documents on this site. https://sites.google.com/watertown.k12.ma.us/wps-dl-lm/11-chromebooks/wms-11-chromebooks?authuser=0
Please click on your child's cluster link and together, read through our Chromebook rules and click yes, you will follow the rules for using Chromebooks. These links will also be included on the WMS homepage of our website.
Cluster 1 Chromebook contracts
Cluster 2 Chromebook contracts
Cluster 3 Chromebook contracts
Cluster 4 Chromebook contracts
Cluster 5 Chromebook contracts
Cluster 6 Chromebook contracts
Cluster Information
Click here for Cluster information.
WMS Morning Programs
Beginning on Monday, September 10, 2018, we are pleased to provide early morning programming for those families who are in need of dropping their children off early as a result of the start time changes and breakfast needs. The program starts at 7:45 a.m. and runs until 8:20 a.m. prior to the opening bell. Students are expected to sign in at the cafeteria before heading to their locations. Below are the locations and activities students can choose from each morning.
- Morning gym
- Students will engage in a variety of supervised activities, sports or exercise.
- Learning Lab
- Students will engage in supervised academics, i.e. homework, reading, studying, etc.
- Morning Cafe
- Students will engage in a supervised casual social time with friends and enjoy a hot breakfast from the Eagles Nest Cafe.
Click here for information on the Middle School's sports.
Important to note: registration is now online. Go to http://www.familyid.com/watertown-high-school and select Middle School Fall Athletics Registration 2018-2019.
Click here for a letter from Principal, Dr. Carter and Assistant Superintendent, Dr. Theresa McGuinness
Other Resources
Click here for information on how to cope with the Boston Marathon Bombings Movie, Holiday and Anniversaries
Military Family Document