The University of Arizona, Fall 2024

Tucson, Arizona

November 16-17, 2024


Sebastian Casalaina-Martin (University of Colorado Boulder)

Maria Fox (Oklahoma State University)

Laure Flapan (Michigan State University)

Angela Gibney (University of Pennsylvania)

Sebastián Olano (University of Toronto)

Tony Várilly-Alvarado (Rice University)

Xiaolei Zhao (University of California Santa Barbara)

Location: Environment and Natural Resources 2 Building (ENR2), Room N120

Campus Map


Saturday, November 16

    9:00 - 9:30: Coffee and registration

9:30 - 10:30: Angela Gibney: Vector bundles on moduli of curves from vertex operator algebras

10:30 - 11:00: Coffee

11:00 - 12:00: Tony Várilly-Alvarado: Geometric realizations of Brauer classes on K3 surfaces via Hyperkaehler Geometry

12:00 - 1:30: Lunch Break

1:30 - 2:30: Sebastián Olano: Partial Rational Smoothness 

2:30 - 3:00: Coffee

3:00 - 4:00: Laure Flapan: Noether-Lefschetz divisors and moduli spaces of K3 surfaces

4:15 - 6:00: Poster session

Sunday, November 17

    8:15 - 8:45: Coffee

8:45 - 9:45: Xiaolei Zhao: Noncommutative abelian surfaces and Kummer-type hyperkähler varieties

9:45 - 10:15: Coffee

10:15 - 11:15: Maria Fox: Ekedahl-Oort and Newton Stratifications

11:15 - 11:30: Break

11:30 - 12:30: Sebastian Casalaina-Martin: Moduli spaces of cubic hypersurfaces


WAGS is partially supported by the National Science Foundation.

WAGS Fall 2024 receives supplemental funds from the Department of Mathematics the University of Arizona.

We ask that all participants fill out the registration form to help us with NSF reporting; registration for WAGS is free:


Note: funding requests received prior to September 15th will receive full consideration. 


Getting to Tucson


Local transportation


We reserved room blocks in the following hotels. In order to be included in the room block, you must book before Oct 15th using the reservation link below.


We invite you to join the WAGS Discord server for carpool and roomshare. Please use your full professional name on this server.

Local organizers:

Hang Xue (Chair), Zhengning Hu, Debaditya Raychaudhury

Send questions to

Code of Conduct:

The Western Algebraic Geometry Symposium aims to create an environment that is stimulating, supportive, and welcoming to all participants. We build that environment through our community, with each of us playing an active role in creating a positive experience for all. We ask you to be welcoming, respectful, and generous towards all participants and to recognize that it is your responsibility to ensure that your actions match your intent.

All participants must abide by the University of Arizona nondiscrimination and anti-harassment policy.

About WAGS:

WAGS is a twice-yearly meeting of algebraic geometers in the Western half of North America that traces its origins back to the Utah-UCLA Algebraic Geometry Seminar started in 1989. Long term planning for WAGS is currently being organized by Nicolas Addington, Roya Beheshti Zavareh, María Angélica Cueto, José González, Dustin Ross, Karl Schwede, Farbod Shokrieh, and Mark Shoemaker. For more information about WAGS, visit