Email: xlzhao at math dot ucsb dot edu

I am an associate professor at University of California, Santa Barbara. During 2015-2018, I was a Zelevinsky Research Instructor at Northeastern University, working with Emanuele Macrì. I obtained my Ph.D. from University of Michigan in 2015, under the supervision of Herb Clemens and Karen Smith.

My research is partially supported by NSF grants DMS-2101789 and FRG-2052665.

CV (updated in October 2024)

Focused Research Group: Derived Categories, Moduli Spaces, and Classical Algebraic Geometry

Upcoming event:

Workshop at Columbia, February 7-9, 2025: Hyperkähler Varieties, Derived Categories, and Moduli Spaces

Past events:

Workshop at Cornell University, April 29-May 1, 2022: Derived Categories and Moduli Spaces

Conference and minischool at the University of Michigan, July 30-August 5, 2022: Derived Categories, Moduli Spaces, and Hyperkähler Varieties

Conference at Imperial College London, July 3-7, 2023: Derived Categories, Moduli Spaces, and Counting Invariants

Workshop at UCSB, May 1-4, 2024: Derived Categories and Moduli Spaces

Several seminars that I help organizing:

Derived Seminar: Tuesday 8am-9am PT. This is an international seminar, centered loosely around derived categories in algebraic geometry.

UCSB Seminar on Geometry and Arithmetic: Thursday 4:30pm-6pm PT.

Learning Seminar on Algebraic Geometry: Friday 4pm-6pm PT.


in preparation.

in preparation.

arXiv: 2406.09124.

arXiv: 2403.13463.

arXiv: 2402.12573.

Annali dell'Università di Ferrara, special volume Edge Days: 2018-2022, (2024) 761-779 (pdf)

arXiv: 2305.10702, submitted.

arXiv: 2207.11904, submitted.

J. London Math. Soc. 108(2) (2023), 2146–2174 (pdf)

Math. Z. 300 (2022), 3527-3550, special volume in honor of Olivier Debarre (pdf)

Tran. Amer. Math. Soc. 375(8) (2022), 5669-5690 (pdf)

Adv. Math. 408 (2022) (pdf)

Geometry & Topology 26-7 (2022), 3055-3121 (pdf)

Math.  Ann. 379 (2021), 1475-1505 (pdf)

Algebraic Geometry 10 (5) (2023), 620-642 (pdf)

Épijournal de Géométrie Algébrique 4 (2020), Article Nr.3 (pdf)

Compositio Math. 156 (2020), 179-197 (pdf)

Ann. Sci. ENS 56 (2023), 517-570 (pdf)

Math. Z. 291 (2019), 437-447 (pdf)

Épijournal de Géométrie Algébrique 1 (2017), Article Nr. 2 (pdf)

Geometry & Topology 23-1 (2019), 347-426 (pdf)

Algebra & Number Theory 10-4 (2016), 907--930 (pdf)

University of Michigan thesis (pdf)

Algebraic Geometry 5 (3) (2018) 328-358 (pdf)
