Students working with me:

PhD Thesis: Equivalence between Kuznetsov components of cubic fourfolds and Gushel-Mukai fourfolds

To start learning algebraic geometry:

If you are interested in algebra (algebraic geometry, algebraic number theory, representation theory, mathematical physics, etc.), you should plan on learning this as early as possible. Every year we have strong undergraduates finishing Math 237 successfully. For Ph.D. students at UCSB interested in working with me, it is important to finish this by the end of your second year.

We have a weekly Seminar on Geometry and Arithmetic, taking place at 4:30pm-6pm on Thursdays, on topics related to algebraic geometry, number theory and etc. Students are strongly encouraged to regularly attend this as early as possible! Having difficulty following the talks? I recommend Vakil's "three things" exercise and other advice on going to talks.

To know my research:

In recent years, my research focuses on the study of moduli spaces, derived categories, and hyperkähler geometry. The main tool is stability conditions. To learn about this subject:

To do a reading course: 

The way it works is that you pick a topic and read some books/notes/papers. Then you will lecture me and other colleagues on what you read. It should be well-prepared lectures with clear definitions, examples, results and proofs. We will shoot many questions and get better understanding through this process. You can choose a foundational theory:

 Here are some topics close to my research:

You don't need the whole package of schemes and sheaves to read these topics. Quickly passing through the foundation and getting to research topics is part of graduate study. I will help you find a geodesic to the starting line of your reading.