創辦人的話 / Vision  Of  School

創辦人   韓國瑜  先生

維多利亞雙語中小學的醞釀、依序實踐,前後長達多年。我們創立本校的核心精神,是希望興建一所全台灣最好的雙語中 小學,讓學生的素質優於日本、韓國、中國大陸、香港,甚至超過歐美同齡兒童,進而培養出二十一世紀的新領袖人才。 展望未來,一個中英並重的雙語世界已快速形成,在如此多元的社會中,中英文俱佳:以中文通暢華人圈、以英文挺進全世界,事實上已成為必要條件。


創辦人   韓國瑜

Dear friends,

Welcome to Victoria Academy! It is with great enthusiasm and pleasure that I welcome and introduce you to Victoria Academy. Thank you for taking interest in our school. Victoria Academy is a school of educational excellence; our physical facilities are state of the art and our staff are highly trained and experienced. Most importantly, we are proud that we can provide the best bilingual education to the children in Taiwan. One of our educational goals is to fully develop our students' talents and creativity. We believe that students are able to learn, retain and utilize their knowledge and skills as they are actively participating in the learning process. We also believe students should be able to learn in a meaningful and contextual frame and be able to apply their learning to new situations. To put it simply, we strive to cultivate some of the most intelligent and active bilingual thinkers of Taiwan.


Daniel Han

Founder of Victoria Academy