Extra Credit Information 201

Extra Credit Exam 1

General Information:

1. You need to read the following book:

The Choice: A Fable of Free Trade and Protection by Russell Roberts 3rd edition

This book is available for purchase at Amazon etc. but there are also two copies on reserve in the main library.

2. There will be an exam on on the day, time, and location specified in the sylabus

3. This exam will be worth up to 25 points total added into your final grade

Detailed Information:

1. The exam will have 10 "very short" answer questions worth 2 point each (for a total of 10 points)

- the "very short" answer questions will just test if you read the book or not (it will not try to test understanding)

2. The exam will have 1-2 short answer questions (worth a total of 5 points)

- The short answer will attempt to test whether you understood and can explain a major idea(s) of the book

- You will only be allowed to get credit for the short answer question if you answer at least 5 of the "very short" answer questions correctly

2. An example "very short" answer question is:

What is the first name of the ghost in the story?

Answer: Dave or David

3. Once someone leaves the exam room no one may enter and start taking the exam.