Evaluations & Forms

Below are the links and word documents for each of the evaluations. If your facility can not access the links, they may print them off and complete them. These will need to be filled out after Chemistry, Hematology, Blood Bank, and Microbiology. They can then scan and email, fax to 850-474-2749, or send with you to the university. Please contact me if you have any questions or issues with these surveys. lflaniken@uwf.edu

There is also a copy of the timesheets for each area. Please make sure you complete these, have them signed, and upload them to the appropriate dropbox in eLearning.

Phlebotmy Rotation Evlauation — Trainers Evaluation of student during phlebotomy rotation

Student's Evalutaion of Training Department — This is to be completed by the student after the four major rotations (Chemistry, Hematology, Microbiology, and Blood Bank)

Trainers Evaluation of Student — This is the link for the hospital trainer to complete their evaluation of the student in each of the four major rotations.