Writing Resources

All of the Writing Center's handouts and workshops are categorized below to help you find the information you are looking for.

If you aren't certain where to start, click on the magnifying glass at the top of the screen and type your keywords into the search bar or click on the A-Z Index to see all of our handouts and workshops listed in alphabetical order.

Alphabetical list of all Writing Center handouts and workshops

Evaluating Sources, Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing

APA, Chicago, MLA, and more

Grammar, Sentence Structure, Punctuation, and Mechanics

Outlines, Introductions, Conclusions, and more

Abstracts, Essays, Proposals, and more

Critical Reading, Research Questions, Thesis Statements, and more

Resumes, CVs, Personal Statements, and more

Academic Tone, Active and Passive Voice, Verb Tense, and more

All handouts and workshops designed specifically for graduate student writers

If certain resources that you would like to see are not available, please contact the Writing Center to let us know: writingcenter@unlv.edu or 702-895-3908

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