Online Writing Lab (OWL)
The Writing Center Website has moved! For current information and to make appointments, please go to
The OWL is now closed until fall semester.
Please read all instructions carefully before submitting your paper!
Writers are limited to one submission per day and two submissions per week. Submissions in excess of this will be rejected.
Consultants aim to help writers better understand and practice writing as a series of informed choices made in a variety of academic, professional, personal, and civic contexts.
As such, Writing Center consultants do not proofread, edit or adapt your writing. Consultants will read the document in order to give suggestions to help you revise and improve your draft.
Like regular appointments in the Writing Center, consultants spend a maximum of 45 minutes with each paper, so all concerns may not be addressed.
Please note:
OWL submissions are limited to one every 24 hours and two per week per writer.
OWL Consultants are unable to review more than five double-spaced pages (1250 words) in 45 minutes--and possibly less, depending upon the concerns they notice. We will look at the first five pages unless you indicate otherwise in the special instructions below.
We do not edit or proofread for any writer; instead, we offer instruction to help writers learn how to edit and proofread for themselves.
OWL consultants will not comment on bibliographic, reference, or Works Cited pages. You must schedule an in-person or virtual consultation to discuss these. Information about formatting and citations can be found here: Writing Center Citation Handouts
You may submit the same paper twice as long as revisions based on our comments have been made between submissions.
For essay exams, we are required to notify your instructor
You must be currently enrolled or employed at UNLV in order to submit your paper.
You must use your Rebelmail address to submit your paper. Failure to use an or address will result in immediate rejection.
We accept a limited number of OWL submissions each day. You'll be notified if your submission is cancelled so that you can make another type of appointment if you wish.