Department of Chemistry Course(Nanochemistry)
Stage: 3rd stage
No. of Students: 100
The best teachers are those who show you where to look, but don't tell you what to see.... Alexandra Trenfor
My Philosophy in Teaching
From passive learner to a critical thinker is my vision and ultimate goal in teaching process, and I have made it a motto throughout my teaching life. It is not just how much you give to students, it is about how and in what way you give to the students. Users making is not the goal in teaching, thinkers producing is the main goal in effective teaching process. we do need methods and strategies in order to make an effective teaching-learning process. I have tried to exclude teacher-centered method, and follow what is called student-centered method in teaching, and to engage students in the learning process. Productive minds can build new and prosperous future. The way to create creative and productive minds needs engaging students in the learning process.
Undergraduate Courses
1. Nanochemistry for third year students
First Section: Introduction to Nanochemistry, Nanoscience, Nanomaterials, and Nanotechnology
Second Section: Approaches and methods for preparation of Nanomaterials
Graduate Courses
1. Nanotechnology
2. Separation Sciences
3. Instrumental Analysis