If we knew what we were doing it wouldn't be called research, would it? Albert Einstein
Center for Biomedical Analysis
Center for Nanotechnology and Materials Sciences
Nanoparticle Research Work
1. Preparation and Characterization of Vatrious types of Nanoparticles
Different types of nanoparticles are prepared; metallic, chalcogenides, and organic nanoparticles.
Characterization of the prepared nanoparticles are perfomred using UV-Vis Spectrophotometer, Fluorescence Spectrophotometry, Electron Microscopes (SEM, TEM), X-ray Diffraction XRD, Dynamic light Scattering (DLS), and Zeta Potentials.
2. Analytical Applications of Prepared Nanoparticles
The fabricated nano-scale materials are used for determination of metal ions, organic compounds in different matrices and samples using various detection approaches; likes, UV-Vis Spectrophotometry, Fluorescence Spectrophotometry.
3. Environmental Applications
Nanotechnology plays a great role in environmental applications, as in water purification, removing of toxic materials in different sources, remediation, and in filtration. Our groups try to prepare and use different nano materials to be used for different environmental purposes, taking advantageous of reactivity and high surface area of nano scale materials.
4. Biological Applications
Nanoparticles have shown many interesting applications in biology, like; Antibacterial and Antifungal activity, Cytotoxic,
Using in bioimaging and bio labeling.
5. Green Synthesis of Nanomaterials Using Bio and Chemical approaches.
6. Electrochemistry and electrochemical characterization of organic compounds in both aqueous and non aqueous media.
One Master's degree student
One PhD degree Stduent (Co-advisor)