
Welcome to my Academic Profile page. My name is Bruska Abdulla Raza Azhdar. I am an Assistant Professor with a Ph.D. degree in Processing of Polymer Powders and Polymer-Based Nanocomposite Physics, teaching in the School of Science, Physics Department at University of Sulaimani in Kurdistan Region, F.R. Iraq

e-mail: bruska.azhdar@univsul.edu.iq

Mobile: (+964) - 0770 152 5318

I teach several topics at my faculty, i.e.

1. Solid-state physics (Course responsible, lectures, classroom exercises, laboratory exercises and supervised projects.)

2. Thermodynamics (Course responsible, lectures, classroom exercises, laboratory exercises and supervised projects.)

3. Research methodology (Course responsible, lectures, classroom exercises and supervised projects.)

4. Nano-technology (Course responsible, lectures, classroom exercises and supervised projects.)

My research interests focus on;

1. Processing of Polymer Powders and Polymer-Based Nanocomposite

2. Preparation and characterization of Nanocomposites

3. Dielectric Properties of Nanocomposites

4. Developing Polymer-bound magnetic composites for different environments.