MSc in Environmental Engineering - Climate change adaptation and mitigation

Mandatory course

1st year - 2nd teaching semester



Prof. Mattia Crespi -

Prof. Roberta Ravanelli -

Teaching hours (effective) and classrooms

Tuesday 8:30-11:00 - RM031 via Eudossiana 18 - aula 47

Wednesday 11:15-13:45 - RM034 via Eudossiana 18 - aula 36

Thursday 8:30-10:00 - RM031 via Eudossiana 18 - aula 21

Lectures (tentative) calendar 2023-2024

Google Classroom - RSGBD-GG - 2023-2024

Google Classroom stream will be used to deliver all relevant (also real-time) information

to join -

join with Sapienza institutional email only

Syllabus - Objectives and Topics

Why this course? - Geodesy contribution to climate research (A. Eicker) (VIDEO)

Teaching material

Lecture recordings (2022-2023)

Lecture recordings (2023-2024)


1. post your request on the Google Classroom stream


2. e-mail to: beginning the subject with [RSGBD]

Exam rules

It is always necessary to book in advance on Infostud to take the exam

Exam will consist of:

1. at least three written reports, to be prepared as homework, on the exercises developed during the course according to the following rules:

EXERCISE 7 - Drought monitoring with Google Earth Engine

each additional report, if correct, will be positively evaluated up to +1/30 for the final mark according to the following rule:

FMR = A + (N-3)*(A-18)/(30-18)

N = number of submitted reports

A = average mark of all the N submitted reports

FMR = final mark for reports


N = 5

A = 27

if all reports are correct: FMR = 27 + 2*(27-18)/(30-18) = 28,5

all the reports must be submitted through Google Classroom at least one week before each exam session

2. a written questionnaire on some topics discussed during the course to be completed in two hours in the classroom during each  exam session


FMQ = 28

The final mark will be the average of the final mark for homework reports (FMR) and the final mark of classroom questionnaire (FMQ):

FM = (FMQ + FMR)/2 = 28,25 ---> (rounding) ---> 28

Exam rules for PhD candidates

Exam for PhD candidates attending (completely or partially) the course will consist in the written and oral presentation of a research project on one (or more) topic(s) of the course agreed in advance with the teachers.

Exams calendar (summer session 2024)

Classroom works (written questionnaires) will be held in the following dates:

13 June 2024

26 June 2024

10 July 2024

25 July 2024

18 September 2024

classroom numbers and hours will be communicated in due advance through Classroom stream.