MSc in Data Science

Elective course

2nd year - 2nd teaching semester



Prof. Mattia Crespi -

Prof. Roberta Ravanelli -

Teaching hours and classrooms

Tuesday 8:30-11:00 - RM031 via Eudossiana 18 - aula 47

Wednesday 11:15-13:45 - RM034 via Eudossiana 18 - aula 36

Lectures calendar (tentative)

Google Classroom - RSGBD-GG - 2023-2024

Google Classroom stream will be used to deliver all relevant (also real-time) information

to join -

join with Sapienza institutional email only

Syllabus - Objectives and Topics

Teaching material

Lecture recordings (2022-2023)

Lecture recordings (2023-2024)


1. post your request on the Google Classroom stream


2. e-mail to: beginning the subject with [GG]

Exam rules

It is always necessary to book in advance on Infostud to take the exam

Exam will consist of:

1. at least two written reports on the exercises developed during the course according to the following rules:

EXERCISE 7 - Drought monitoring with Google Earth Engine

each additional report, if correct, will be positively evaluated up to +1/30 for the final mark according to the following rule:

FMR = A + (N-2)*(A-18)/(30-18)

N = number of submitted reports

A = average mark of all the N submitted reports

FMR = final mark for reports


N = 4

A = 27

if all reports are correct: FMR = 27 + 2*(27-18)/(30-18) = 28,5

all the reports must be submitted through Google Classroom at least one week before each exam session

2. a written questionnaire on some topics discussed during the course to be completed in two hours in the classroom during each  exam session


FMQ = 28

The final mark will be the average of the final mark for homework reports (FMR) and the final mark of classroom questionnaire (FMQ):

FM = (FMQ + FMR)/2 = 28,25 ---> (rounding) ---> 28

Exams calendar (sessions 2024)

Classroom works (written questionnaires) will be held in the following dates:

13 June 2024

26 June 2024

10 July 2024

25 July 2024

18 September 2024

classroom numbers and hours will be communicated in due advance through Classroom stream.