Mariantonietta Fiore 

Professore Ordinario

SSD AGR01-Economia ed estimo rurale


Dipartimento di Economia

Via R. Caggese, n. 1 -  71121 Foggia (I Piano - studio 18C)


Pubblicazioni su IRIS UNIFG 

Di seguito, uno short CV in inglese:

Mariantonietta Fiore is a full professor in Agricultural economics at the Department of Economics, University of Foggia (Italy). She acts as the Rector's Delegate for International affairs. She is a member of the Doctoral School of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (Poland) and is a member of several PhD Italian courses on Innovative Sciences and Technologies for Health and on Territorial sustainability and well-being’. Prof. Fiore is a Fellow of the EuroMed Academy of Business (EMRBI). She held the position of Expert of the Ministry of Agriculture-Food and the position of Junior Expert of the Italian Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea. Actually, she is the scientific UNIFG coordinator of an Erasmus project (CL4BIO); she was the vice-scientific coordinator of the SKIN project «Short supply chain Knowledge and Innovation Network » (Horizon 2020) and was a scientific member or responsible for several EU and national projects. She took part in many international conferences as a keynote speaker, presenter and discussant and acted as visiting professor in several international Universities. Prof. Fiore has gained over 15 scientific awards and fellowship e.g. ‘Best relevant paper’, ‘Honorary scientific distinction’. She acted as the Representative of internationalization processes of the Department of Economics, University of Foggia. She is an author of over 160 scientific publications (Scopus Hindex 22) and acts as a judge, guest editor, member of numerous Editorial Boards and Scientific Committees. Prof. Fiore is a member of the Board of Directors of AIQUAV, Italian Association for Quality of Life Studies, was one of the Directors of the International Food and Agribusiness Management Association (IFAMA), and is currently a member of the IFAMA Europe chapter.

Mariantonietta Fiore