The Twenty Third Seven Pines Symposium

The Outing Lodge, Stillwater, Minnesota. 15–19 May 2019

Quantum computers: imminent or illusion?

Public lecture: Tuesday May 14, 2019, 7 pm

The Swain Room, McNamara Alumni Center, University of Minnesota

Is Time Travel Possible? by John D. Norton

Program and participants

1. History of computation

• Wilfrid Seig

• Stephanie Dick

2. Philosophy of quantum computation: Is quantum information conceptually new?

• Chris Timpson

• Ari Duwell

3. Theory of quantum computation (with focus on adiabatic quantum computation)

• Debbie Leung

• Pieter Kok

4. Is quantum speed-up real or just a pipe-dream?

• Mikhail Dyakonov

• Philip Stamp

5 Experimental issues of quantum computation

• Eric Ostby

• Andrew Briggs

Invited Participants

Andrew Briggs (Oxford)

Stephanie Dick (Pennsylvania)

Ari Duwell (Montana)

Mikhail Dyakonov (Montpellier)

Pieter Kok (Sheffield)

Debbie Leung (Waterloo)

Eric Ostby (Google)

Wilfried Sieg (Carnegie-Mellon)

Chris Timpson (Oxford)


Samuel Fletcher (Minnesota)

Clayton Gearhart (St John's Minnesota)

Michael Janas (Minnesota)

Michel Janssen (Minnesota)

Femke Kuiling (Minnesota)

Tanner Leighton (Minnesota)

Andrew Miller (Minnesota)

Eran Rea Moore (Minnesota)

William A. Penn (Piitsburgh)

Gal Ben Porath (Piitsburgh)

Brian Woodcock (MCPS, Minnesota)

Advisory Board

Lee Gohlike, Founder

Peter Gilbertson

Peter Galison (Harvard)

John Norton (Pittsburgh)

Serge Rudaz (Minnesota)

Philip Stamp (Vancouver)

Jos Uffink (Minnesota) Chair

Bill Unruh (Vancouver)

Robert Wald (Chicago)

James Weatherall (UC Irvine)