Seven Pines Symposium XVII

The Outing Lodge at Pine Point, Stillwater, Minnesota, 15–19 May 2013

The Conceptual Development of Quantum Physics

Program and participants

1. From classical mechanics to quantum mechanics

• Schrödinger and Umdeutung: Jürgen Renn (MPIWG, Berlin)

• The necessity of quantum mechanics: Olivier Darrigol (CNRS, Paris)

2. New perspectives on the birth of quantum mechanics

• From the perspective of solid-state physics: Christian Joas (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich)

• From the point of view of the Sommerfeld school: Suman Seth (Cornell)

3. History of interpretations of quantum mechanics

• 20s & 30s: Guido Bacciagaluppi (Aberdeen)

• 50s through 70s: Olival Freire (Bahia Brasil)

4. History of entanglement

• Theory: Jos Uffink (Minnesota)

• Experiment: Edward Fry (Texas A&M)

5. Quantum field theory I

• 20s & 30s: Christoph Lehner (MPIWG, Berlin)

• 40s & 50s: Alexander Blum (MPIWG, Berlin)

6. Quantum field theory II

• In particle physics: Anthony Duncan (University of Pittsburgh)

• In condensed-matter physics (i): Gordon Baym (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

• In condensed-matter physics (ii): Philip W. Anderson (Princeton)


• Clayton Gearhart (St. John’s, Minnesota)

• Michel Janssen (Minnesota)

• Roger Stuewer (Minnesota)

Non-speaking Board members

• Geoffrey Hellman (Minnesota)

• Don Howard (Notre Dame)

• John Norton (Pittsburgh)

• Serge Rudaz (Minnesota)

• Philip Stamp (Vancouver)

• Bill Unruh (Vancouver)

• Bob Wald (Chicago)