Seven Pines Symposium XIX

The Outing Lodge at Pine Point, Stillwater, Minnesota, 13–17 May 2015

General Relativity; a hundred years after its birth

Program and participants

1. Into the modern era

• Jean Eisenstaedt (CNRS, Paris)

•Ted Newman (Pittsburgh)

2. Black holes

• Robert Wald (Chicago)

3. Cosmology

• George Ellis (Cape Town)

• Gary Hinshaw (U British Columbia)

4. General relativity in the real world: astrophysics and gravitation

• Clifford Will (Florida)

5. Mathematical and numerical relativity

• Mihalis Dafermos (Princeton)

• Luis Lehner (Perimeter)

6. The furture of general relativity

• Abhay Ashketar (Penn State)

• Steven Carlip (UC Davis)


• Nora Boyd (Pittsburgh)

• John Earman (Pittsburgh)

• Sam Fletcher (Minnesota, Fall 2015)

• Michel Janssen (Minnesota)

• Dennis Lehmkuhl (Bergische U, Wuppertal)

• Jim Weatherall (UC Irvine)

Board members

• Lee Gohlike, Founder

• Don Howard (Notre Dame) [dhoward1@nd.edu]

• John Norton (Pittsburgh) [jdnorton@pitt.edu]

• Serge Rudaz (Minnesota) [rudaz@physics.umn.edu]

• Philip Stamp (Vancouver) [stamp@phas.ubc.ca]

• Jos Uffink (Minnesota) [jbuffink@umn.edu] chair

• Bill Unruh (Vancouver) [unruh@physics.ubc.ca]

• Bob Wald (Chicago) [rmwa@uchicago.edu]