Archival Resources  

The documents created during the rectangular land surveying process in Minnesota, which lasted from 1847 until 1908, can be found in the collections of three repositories; the Minnesota History Center in St. Paul, Minnesota - containing the documents created from 1857 until 1908; the Iowa State Historical Society Library in Des Moines, Iowa - containing the documents created from 1847 until 1857; and the National Archives in Washington DC containing documents created throughout the sixty years, 1847-1908. There is little duplication between the Minnesota and Iowa collections but probably considerable duplication between both of these and the National Archives collections.

A Preliminary Bibliography of Documents Relating the Public Land Surveys of Minnesota Territory, Located at the Iowa State Historical Library. Dis-closures no.4 (Fall, 1993) 

Minnesota’s public land survey records. Minnesota Surveyor v.20 no.1 (Spring 2012)

Digital Records for the History of the Rectangular Land Surveys. v.30 no.1 (Winter 2022)

Minnesota Historical Society

State Historical Society of Iowa