Rectangular Survey Resources

The documents created during the rectangular land surveying process in Minnesota, which lasted from 1847 until 1908, can be found in the collections of three repositories; the Minnesota History Center in St. Paul, Minnesota - containing the documents created from 1857 until 1908; the Iowa State Historical Society Library in Des Moines, Iowa - containing the documents created from 1847 until 1857; and the National Archives in Washington DC containing documents created throughout the sixty years, 1847-1908. There is little duplication between the Minnesota and Iowa collections but probably considerable duplication between both of these and the National Archives collections.

Archival Collections

Minnesota Historical Society

Iowa Historical Society

  • State Archives RG 081 Secretary of State Land Records

    • Surveyor General's Office

Account Books

Correspondence, Commissioner of the General Land Office

Correspondence, Deputy Surveyor General to Surveyor General

Correspondence, Surveyor General Letter Books

Survey Records, Administrative - Contracts and Bonds of Deputy Surveyors

Survey Records, Administrative - Recommendations for Positions

Description of Lands on the Interior Sectional Lines

Original Survey Plats

Original Survey Plats (Copies)

Original Surveyors’ Field Notes, Subdivisions (Section Lines)

Original Surveyors’ Field Notes, Town Lines







National Archives

  • Records of the Bureau of Land Management (Record Group 49 1685-1993)

  • Microfilm Publications: M478, M1325, M1329, T1234, T1240

  • 49.7 Records of Surveyors General

  • 49.8 Records of Surveying Districts

  • Microfilm Publications

    • M25 Letters Sent by the General Land Office,1796-1889 (200 reels)

  • M27 Letters Sent by the General Land Office to the Surveyor General, 1796-1901 (31 reels)

  • M200 Territorial Papers of the U.S. Senate, 1789-1873 (20 reels)

  • M236 The Territorial Papers of the United States: The Territory of Wisconsin 1836-1848 (a microfilm supplement) (122 reels)

  • M325 The Territorial Papers of the United States: The Territory of Wisconsin 1838-1846 (a microfilm supplement) (102 reels)

  • M477 Letters Sent by the Surveyor General of the Territory Northwest of the River Ohio, 1797-1854 (10 reels)

  • M478 Letters Received by the Secretary of the Treasury and the Commissioner of the General land Office from the Surveyor General of the Territory Northwest of the River Ohio, 1797-1849 (10 rolls)

  • M479 Letters Received by the Surveyor General of the Territory Northwest of the River Ohio, 1797-1856 (43 reels)

  • M842 Records of the Minnesota Superintendency of Indian Affairs, 1849-1858 (9 rolls)

  • M1050 The Territorial Papers of the United States: The Territory of Minnesota 1849-1858 (a microfilm supplement) (19 reels)

  • Special List 29: List of Selected Maps of States and Territories

Township Plats and Field Notes

This database contains images of the transcriptions of the field notes of deputies working in Minnesota. It also contains images of the original plats made by the Surveyor General, plats that are housed in the Minnesota Historical Society collections but closed to the public, and images of the Commissioner's plats, copies of the original plats sent to Washington DC. and, presumably housed in the National Archives.

This database contains images of the original field notes of deputies working in Minnesota. It also contains images of the original plats made by the Surveyor General, plats that are housed in the Minnesota Historical Society collections but closed to the public.

A Rectangular Survey Bibliography

Books, articles, and other information

  • Latta, Leroy K. Jr. "History and method of Indian allotment surveys" Journal Surveying Engineering v.115 issue 4 (1989) 362-372

  • Linklater, Andro. Measuring America (New York. Walker and Company, 2002)

  • Linklater, Andro. The Fabric of America: How Our Borders and Boundaries Shaped the Country and Forged Our National Identity (New York. Walker & Co., 2008)

  • Logan, Robert R. "Notes on the first land surveys in Arkansas" The Arkansas Historical Association v.19 no.3 (1960) 260-270

  • Lokken, Roscoe L. Iowa Public Land Disposal (Iowa City. The State Historical Society of Iowa, 1942)

  • Mahun Summaries of the General Instructions Governing the Original U.S.Government Survey of Wisconsin

  • McEntyre, J. G. Land Survey Systems, Wiley, New York (1978)

  • Minnick, Roy. comp. A Collection of Original Instructions to Surveyors of the Public Lands, 1815-1881(Rancho Cordova, CA. Landmark Enterprises. n.d.)

  • Onsrud, Harlan J. A Manual for Resurvey of Public Land Survey Corners and Sectionalized Subdivision Boundaries within the State of Wisconsin

  • Oregon Cadastral Map System

  • Pattison, William D. Beginnings of the American Rectangular Land Survey System, 1784-1800 (University of Chicago Department of geography Research Paper No. 50. 1957)

  • Pattison, William D. “The Original Plan for an American Rectangular Land Survey, Surveying and Mapping”, 21 (1957): 339-345, 1961

  • Peters, William E. Ohio Lands and their Subdivision (Second ed. Athens, OH. W.E.Peters, 1918)

  • Rose-Redwood, Reuben S. "The Surveyor's Model of the World: The Uses and Abuses of History in Introductory Surveying Textbooks" Cartographica: The International Journal for Geographic Information and Geovisualization v.39 no.4 (2004) 45-54

  • Sherman, C.E. Report of the Ohio Cooperative Topographic Survey (2nd ed), Original Ohio Land Subdivisions Vol. III, Ohio State Univ (1925)

  • Stewart, Lowell O. Public Land Surveys. History, Instructions, Methods (Ames, IA. Collegiate Press, 1935)

  • Thrower, Norman W. Original Survey and Land Subdivision. Monograph Series of the American Association of Geographers, Rand McNally and Company, Chicago (1966).

  • U.S. Bureau of Land Management, Manual of Surveying Instructions, (Washington, DC. U.S. Government Printing Office (1973).

  • Webber, Joe D. Early Public Land Surveys in the Northwest Territory and Procedures for the Retracement of Original Government Surveys in Illinois (1981)

  • White, C. Albert. A History of the Rectangular Survey System (Washington DC. Government Printing Office, 1982) This book can be downloaded from various internet sites

  • White, C. Albert. Initial Points of the Rectangular Survey System (Westminster, CO. Professional Land Surveyors of Colorado Inc. 1996)

  • Wilson, George R. "The first public land surveys in Indiana; Freeman's lines" Indiana Magazine of History v.12 no.1 (1916) 1-33

  • Winslow, Helen L. The Geographer's Department in the Public Domain, 1785-1789 (Unpublished M.A. Thesis, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1969)