Course Info


You will receive 4 undergraduate credits when enrolling in the undergraduate version of this course (ESCI 4971W) or 2 graduate credits when enrolling in the graduate version of the course (ESCI 5971). Typically (at most universities and colleges) these credits will count towards your degree. It is up to you, however, to make sure this is the case. Also, keep in mind that our hydrocamp is 3 weeks long while many universities/colleges require 6 weeks of field work for some majors (e.g., geology). Our own students from UMN thus typically take another 3 week field camp as well. Typically about half of participating students are from somewhere else than the University of Minnesota and the vast majority of those students is able to count those credits towards their degree. If necessary, some of them participate in another 3 week field camp somewhere else. We encourage students from all across the US and other countries to apply.


Hydrogeology Field Camp Packing List

Lodging Amenities


Durable field clothing including:

Field Gear

Ensure to have a good foot wear. Participating in something called a Hydrogeology Field Camp guarantees your feet will get wet.  Bring a few options: tennis shoes or sandals for around Deep Portage, water proof hiking boots –or– aqua-shoes.  Good to have a couple pairs of foot wear so one can be drying out while you wear the other. Tennis shoes are very adequate for hiking on relatively level ground through the woods and fields.

Other items include:

Classroom Gear

Optional Gear

Important Weather Information

Northern Minnesota temperatures are either hot, cold, or somewhere in between. There may be frost in the morning and high temperatures (>90F) with high humidity in the afternoon. We have had snow in July but global warming may have fixed that. It will rain; unless there is lightning, hail, and/or tornados field work will continue. Best to have a rain coat handy at all times as cheap insurance; the day you forget it, it will rain. If you are sensitive to cold (i.e. not born and raised in Minnesota) you may consider bringing an extra sweater, hooded pullover, or long underwear, wool hat, and mittens if acclimated to more southern climes.

If you forget anything there will be opportunities to beg, borrow, or purchase if absolutely necessary.  Options are much more available the first week of field camp in Minneapolis.

We will provide:

Cost Estimates for 2022

The following estimates are offered as current best guesses so that you can begin to budget for the camp.  Beyond variation in tuition there are other student fees that we frustratingly can't predict. Most students pay in-state tuition but please see comments in blue in the table below for when rare exceptions apply.

For additional information on field camp cost estimates see: 

Note that the invoice for tuition and fees will be sent to your email address.  For non-UM students this will be assigned when you enroll.