Program and Facilities

Program and Field Sites

A preliminary schedule illustrates the topics that are typically planned each year. 

This schedule is preliminary and may be rearranged to fit changing conditions.

The 3-week field course will take place at our Akeley, Minnesota Field Site and the nearby Itasca Research Station in Itasca State Park.  

Field exercises will be conducted at our heavily-instrumented Department of Earth Sciences Hydrogeology Field Camp site that is within the larger and also heavily-instrumented Shingobee Headwaters Aquatic Ecosystems Project (SHAEP) site.  The IRI site has been operated by the U.S. Geological Survey for over two decades and includes over 100 observation wells, along with climatological stations, and stream and lake gauge stations over an eight lake watershed.  After returning from the field, students will be expected to complete written reports each evening.

Our field site owes greatly to support from the USGS in the form technical support, assistance in well drilling, and lake / ground water interaction studies.

Minnesota Department of Natural Resources logo

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources - Division of Ecological and Waters Services is also an important collaborator at our field site.


We utilize a variety of field equipment typically employed by hydrogeologists including: