

The hydrogeology field camp is usually taught by two faculty members, two research scientists, and two TAs from the Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences at the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, as well as by guest lecturers from the U.S. Geological Survey and the Minnesota Geological Survey.  As a result, the instructor to student ratio for a course of about 30 students is approximately 1/6 (i.e., 6 or less students per instructor). Where else do you have almost 24-7-access to that many hydro(geo)logy experts and teachers for 3 weeks? Your chance to ask lots of questions.

Peter Kang

Associate Professor of Hydrogeology

Peter's research focuses on the physics of flow and reactive transport in porous and fractured media. Peter's research group combines theory, high-performance numerical simulation, and visual laboratory experiments to understand how the coupling between multiple processes such as biogeochemical, thermal, and mechanical processes controls fluid flow and reactive transport across scales: from pore to fracture to field scale. For more information, please visit the Kang group website.

Crystal Ng

Associate Professor of Hydrogeology

Crystal's research looks at how various aspects of the hydrologic cycle interact with each other, including groundwater, soil, climate, vegetation, and biogeochemical processes. Her work uses numerical models to represent the complex links among these different components, as well as statistical methods that incorporate data (mostly field observations) to calibrate models and quantify their uncertainty. She is interested in how models and data can address problems related to water resources availability, groundwater contamination, climate change impacts, and ecological vulnerabilities.

Jordan Mayer

Research Scientist 

Jordan works in the Water Wells section of the Minnesota Geological Survey. He works to help maintain The County Well Index as well as collecting and assembling data for the County Geologic Atlas Mapping projects at the MGS. He will provide lessons on borehole geophysics as well as other topics at camp. His interests are in surface-groundwater interactions as well as how climate change is impacting the hydrological cycle.  

Angela Radke

Research Scientist

Angela is a Quaternary Geologist at the Minnesota Geological Survey. Her work focuses on mapping the glacial sediments at the surface and in the subsurface throughout Minnesota. She also supervises undergraduate student workers at the MGS in the sediment lab. At Hydrocamp, she instructs students about the glacial geology of Minnesota, the different aquifers and aquitards at the field site, and how and when they were formed.