Meet the Officers

President: David Luo (he/him)

David is a third-year graduate student who is interested in studying algebra and number theory. In his free time, he likes playing and watching basketball and American football. He is also into hiking and competitive arm wrestling.

Vice President: Connor Bass (he/him)

Secretary: Daniel Miao (he/him)

Daniel is a second year graduate student interested in 3D computer vision and the mathematics of Data Science. When he is not working, you will likely find him playing basketball, tennis, or reading. 

Treasurer: Ratul Biswas (he/him)

Ratul is a fifth year PhD student with interests in Probability, in particular, he likes to work on problems in Random Matrices and Spin Glasses. Hailing from India, he loves to cook, especially desi. At other times he may be found sketching or listening to music or he may not be found because he loves to travel too.

Treasurer's Apprentice: Sagnik Mukherjee (he/him)

Sagnik is a second-year graduate student who joined UMN in Fall 2022. He is interested in Number theory (more specifically Algebraic Number theory, Arithmetic Geometry, etc.).

Webmaster: Tara Gomes (she/her)