The Prelim Bee

Every year, the AMS Student Chapter runs the Prelim Bee, a fun, low-stakes way for first and second year grad students to practice for their prelims and for older grad students to make absolute fools of themselves. Contestants compete in teams of 1 to 4 to solve jeopardy-style mock prelim problems judged by actual prelim graders, with prizes awarded to the top teams.  

Previous year's Prelim Bee winners include:

2018 - Team ELMO: Montie Avery, Olivia Cannon, Emily Tibor, and Lucy Yang

2019 - Team Not Washed Up Yet: Montie Avery, Olivia Cannon, Cecily Santiago, and Emily Tibor

The 2020 Prelim Bee was canceled because of covid :(

The 2021 Prelim Bee was also canceled because of general exhaustion :(

2022 - A Finite Simple Group of Order 4 With Substitution: Robbie Angarone, Cole Jeznach,  Aaron Li, Toby Ramaswamy, and Carolyn Stephen

2023 - It'-Segre-t Team: Connor Bass,  Sagnik Mukherjee, Shrivathsa Pandelu, and Ian Ruohoniemi

The 2023 champions!

"It'-Segre-t Team" (L-R): Connor Bass, Ian Ruohoniemi, Sagnik Mukherjee, Shrivathsa Pandelu

The 2022 champions!

"A Finite Simple Group of Order 4 With Substitutions" (L-R): Cole Jeznach, Aaron Li, Carolyn Stephen, Robbie Angarone (in picture form), Toby Ramaswamy

Your 2019 Prelim Bee champions!

Team "Not Washed Up Yet" (L-R): Montie Avery, Olivia Cannon, Cecily Santiago, Emily Tibor

The 2018 Prelim Bee was won by Team ELMO: Emily Tibor, Lucy Yang, Montie Avery, and Olivia Cannon