Group Website for Professor Ted Zellers
Kee Scholten's paper (with Prof. Fan and Prof. Zellers was published in Lab on a Chip.
Gustavo Serrano received the Warren A. Cook award announced at the 48th Warren Cook Industrial Hygiene Discussional held October 20-21 at the Michigan Union. Congratulations!!!
Sun Kyu Kim had his data meeting and has been granted permission to write up his dissertation.
The assessment of human exposure to complex mixtures of natural and anthropogenic chemicals ranks among the most important global environmental health challenges. Our ability to meet evolving needs in this area relies critically on innovations in exposure science and technology. Advances that facilitate accurate, high-resolution measurements are integral to mankind's efforts to unravel the intricate relationships between exposure and the risks of adverse health effects, and to minimize such risks.Professor Zellers' research and teaching interests lies at the intersection of Environmental Health Science, Chemistry, and Engineering. His work deals with the fundamental and applied aspects of exposure science and technology and contributes to the broad goal of developing the means to quantitatively analyze complex chemical mixtures of arbitrary composition in field settings.
For more information, please contact:
Edward T. Zellers, Ph.D.
Department of Environmental Health Sciences
1415 Washington Heights
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2029
Phone: 734-936-0766