Madeline (Maddie) Barron

Birthplace: Littleton, CO (lived most of my life in De Pere, WI)

Undergraduate Institution: Beloit College (Beloit, WI)

About me: Maddie graduated from Beloit College as a cellular, molecular, and integrative biology major in 2017. While at Beloit, Maddie conducted research in a variety of fields (plant physiology, chemical instrumentation, among others) but always had a special fascination with host-microbe interactions within the gut. As a Ph.D. student in the Young lab (joined 2018), Maddie gets to explore this interest full-time! Her research focuses on studying microbial responses and intestinal environmental conditions modulating bacterial colonization of the gut. In her spare time, Maddie enjoys long, meandering walks through Ann Arbor and the surrounding area, reading, and drawing (especially big pictures of eyes).
