Make a contribution

To make your contribution to MIDIS online by credit card via the University of Michigan Development Office page that is linked here, click "Give now" under the title Michigan Infectious Disease International Scholars. You can also find it by putting the shortcode 308700 into the search box on the search funds page of the main site.

Will an African cure AIDS?

" Money spent on developing the science and technology potential ofcountries is an investment in preventing the worst effects of diseases and natural disasters" ... Lord May of Oxford the president of the Royal Society, Britain's National Academy of Science.

From a January 2005 Reuters news article describing a United Nations Task Force report which concluded that developing the scientific potential of poor nations will reduce the scale of disasters like the Indian Ocean tsunami.

Thank you for your interest in the Michigan Infectious Disease International Scholars fund. Although the costs of graduate education are high, every contribution counts. Your contribution, showing your support for providing research training to students from disease endemic nations, is critical to securing the long term success of the MIDIS program. 100% of your donation will support international trainees in biomedical research, because administrative and advertising expenses are covered by separate donations and other sources.

To make a contribution to MIDIS, please send a check,

payable to the University of Michigan along with your address so that we can send you a tax receipt, to:

The MIDIS fund

c/o Ms. Kim Rize

Department of Microbiology and Immunology

1150 West Medical Center Drive, Room 5641

University of Michigan Medical School

Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0620

Alternately, you can make your contribution to MIDIS directly via the University of Michigan Development Office online by credit card. Just click "Give Now" under the title Michigan Infectious Disease International Scholars. If the page does not properly display, you can also find it by putting the shortcode 308700 into the search box on the search funds page of the main site. To help us list your donation on our web site as soon as possible, it would be helpful if you copied the temporary receipt displayed on your browser after you donate online, and send it to us at, including any personal affiliation information you would like listed on our website.

Regardless of whether you send a check (payable to the University of Michigan, c/o Ms. Holland) or donate on line, all support to MIDIS will be credited to such University of Michigan giving programs as the Presidential Societies. To learn how to enhance the value of your contribution through your employers’ matching funds, or to learn about alternate ways to support MIDIS, please visit the Development Office website.