Talks, Notes, and Slides

Research Talks

Resolutions of Ideals Associated to Subspace Arrangements

Slides from my AMS sectional talk at the University of Michigan.

Equivariant Hilbert Series of Subspace Arrangements

Notes from my talk at San Francisco State University about an application of my thesis work.

Expository Writing

Regular Triangulations of Toric Ideals

Final project for the Algebraic Geometry graduate class taught by David Speyer.

Grassmanians and Groebner Bases: From Classical Invariant Theory to Cohen Macaulay Rings

Notes from my talk in the Student Commutative Algebra at the intersection between my master and doctoral mathematical interests.

Grassmannians, Groebner Bases, and Toric Ideals

My Master Dissertation.

Polynomial Rings vs Power Series Rings

My Honours project.


Hyperplanes Arrangements Package in Macaulay 2

Tutorial on getting started with Macaulay 2 and using the Hyperplans Arrangements Package.