Health, Wellness and Services

Broad Resources:

In conjunction with the UM Credit Union some financial wellness information.

If you are interested in bringing a bit of fun into your next Zoom meeting, there are Baby goat private Zoom meetings offered by a Michigan family is the link for more information

For information on possible alternatives to your next “Zoom Happy Hour”, please check here for tips from MHealthy’s Alcohol Management Program.

We know that some people are reporting a concern with sleeping well in these difficult times.. The Unified Mental Health Group is hosting an interactive webinar Managing Your Sleep Health During COVID-19.” Experts from around Michigan Medicine will offer this valuable presentation and panel discussion. The session will also be recorded for later viewing and uploaded to the Wellness Office website. Please feel free to share widely!

Managing Your Sleep Health During COVID-19

Zoom webinar, Friday, May 15, 2020, 4:30-5:30pm

Description: Sleep and circadian rhythms are fundamental pillars of our physical and mental well-being, but the sleep health of our frontline healthcare workers has been seriously challenged by the COVID-19 pandemic. In this webinar, we will discuss how our sleep and circadian systems work to optimize our well-being, the threats that COVID-19 presents to our sleep, and practical tips and strategies for managing your sleep health to maximize your functioning during this unprecedented time.