Call for papers

  • Authors are invited to register and submit abstracts up to date 6/05/2018.

  • The abstract should not exceed 1500 characters and it must clearly indicate the problem, objectives, research methods, results and conclusions.

  • The Abstract Submission Form can be found here. Please send the completed form to till 6/05/2018.

  • Submitted abstracts must fit the given format. Please note the format does not register long abstracts and abstracts that include graphics and tables.

  • Authors are also advised to proofread their abstracts because abstracts will be reproduced from the online submission.

  • All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by a Scientific Committee, in May 2018. Authors will be notified in the beginning of June whether they have been selected to present their publication during conference.

  • Authors of abstracts are kindly asked to remember to register for the conference by filling in the Registration Form.

  • Please take note that complete submissions only: Abstract Submission Form and registration form will be accepted.