Hierarchically Auto- Associate Polynomial Net

Hierarchical Auto-associative Polynomial Network for Deep Learning of Complex Manifolds

Neural networks are able to model the functionality of the brain

Separability concepts of neuron structures

Neural networks can be used to learn complex manifolds

Feed-forward neural networks are a series of transformations

Convolutional neural networks (CNN)

Both deep learning networks and convolutional networks contain nonlinear mappings

HAP-Net architecture

Polynomial weighting systems will provide even deeper learning capabilities

To achieve a more complex representation, we combine all the different features used for neural networks to create a new architecture: Hierarchical Auto-associative Polynomial Network (HAP Net)


Theus H. Aspiras and Vijayan K. Asari, "Hierarchical autoassociative polynimial network (HAP Net) for pattern recognition," Neurocomputing, doi.org/10.1016/j.neucom.2016.10.002, vol. 222, pp. 1-10, January 2017.