Bodo tools

This group of 2 scrapers and 5 projectile points (plus two duplicates) is the newest addition to our collection. They are casts of specimens excavated and studied by our students in a fieldschool at the Bodo Bison Skulls and related Archaeology sites between 2002 and 2008. The casts were made in-house.

These casts of projectile points and scrapers are from the important Alberta Archaeology site complex of Bodo (Canadian Site Borden number FaOm-1 and FaOm -22). The Bodo Archaeological Locality is 350 km east of Edmonton and was only discovered in 1995. It is one of the largest and most densely occupied communal bison hunting sites recorded in Alberta, one of the largest pre-contact archaeological areas in Western Canada, and represents an important area of convergence of ecosystems and cultures.

The original artifacts were excavated by our students in a department field school and then cast in-house. They are from the late prehistoric time period (1,800 to 150 years before present) and represent a period of time for which we have more limited cast material and thus expand our holdings of late prehistoric objects. These artifacts expand our students’ access to important Alberta site material and they document new research perspectives on Alberta’s history. Information gathered from the many newer sites in Alberta is combining to paint a new picture of Alberta’s past.