Hepatology Rotation

Focus of this Rotation

The Gastroenterology Division at the University of Alberta provides inpatient and outpatient care for patients with acute and chronic gastrointestinal and liver problems. Inpatient (and urgent outpatient) care is provided by the following teams: GI Consults, Hepatology Consults, Endoscopy Service and 2 Wards. 

Elective Hepatology is primarily an inpatient service and you will work with the weekly Hepatology attending physician (and GI subspecialty resident or Hepatology fellow, as available). UAH is a large liver transplantation centre, therefore the Hepatology rotation will include consultation and management of patients pre- and post-liver transplant. 

The Hepatology Consult Service is responsible for hepatology consultations on patients admitted to the hospital, including ICU/CCU, and consultations for post-liver transplant patients from the Emergency. The consultation rotation will expose residents to a variety of practice styles and clinical approaches by the hepatologists of the GI Division and will in turn increase the resident's competence and confidence in managing a wide variety of common and uncommon liver problems. 

Residents and students are expected to conduct themselves professionally under the direction and at the discretion of the attending staff.  The resident will make progress notes according to a patient problem list.  At the end of each working day, the resident will sign out critically ill patients to the resident on call to ensure continuity of care (use of the Handoff Tool in Connect Care is strongly encouraged).


Effective July 1, 2024: Residents on Hepatology Elective are required to do two late stay call shifts (1700-2100 M-F) and CAN BE be asked to cover in-house GI call. This is only required if there are not enough CIM residents on the mandatory or selective rotations to cover the rota. Due to the introduction of a night float call system in July 2020, call for residents on GI would only include: evening coverage (1700-2100) Monday-Thursday, or evenings (Friday 1700-0900, Saturday 0900-1100am/26 hrs), and Sunday (0900-2100). 


Since the move to CBME in 2019, EPA assessments will be completed by faculty and GI residents, as requested. Residents are encouraged to request the EPA assessment prior to completion of the ‘activity’.

Suggested EPA’s for this rotation

F1 Common Acute Medical Presentations - Assessing, diagnosing, and providing initial management for patients with common acute medical presentations in acute care settings 

F2: Common Medical Problems in Admitted Patients  - Managing patients admitted to acute care settings with common medical problems and advancing their care plans

Part A - Assessment and Management

C1: Complex/Atypical Acute Medical Presentation - Assessing, diagnosing, and managing patients with complex or atypical acute medical presentations

C2: Complex Chronic Disease - Assessing and managing patients with complex chronic conditions

Part A: Assessment, Diagnosis, Management

Part B: Patient Education/Communication

C3: Providing IM Consult to other services - Providing internal medicine consultation to other clinical services

Part A: Patient Assessment and Decision-Making

Part B: Written Communication

Part C: Oral Communication

C5: Procedures of IM - Performing the procedures of Internal Medicine