
Hardware Security

Security primitives for Internet of Things (IoT):

Related Talk:

  1. S. Sakib, A. Milenkovic, and B. Ray, “Flash Watermark: An Anti-Counterfeiting Technique for NAND Flash Memories”, IEEE HOST Hardware Demo 2020 (video)

  2. M. Hasan and B. Ray,, USENIX Security '20 - Data Recovery from “Scrubbed” NAND Flash Storage: Need for Analog Sanitization (video)

Related Publications:

  1. S. Sakib, A. Milenkovic, M. T. Rahman and B. Ray, "An Aging-Resistant NAND Flash Memory Physical Unclonable Function", IEEE Transaction on Electron Devices, 2020. (link)

  2. S. Sakib, P. Kumari, B.M.S.B. Talukder, M.T. Rahman, B. Ray, "Non-Invasive Detection Method for Recycled Flash Memory Using Timing Characteristics", Cryptography, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 17, Aug. 2018.

  3. B. Ray, and A. Milenkovic, "True Random Number Generation Using Read Noise of Flash MemoryCells", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 65, no. 2, pp. 963-969, 2018.


    1. Dr. Aleksandar Milenkovic, University of Alabama in Huntsville

    2. Dr. Tauhidur Rahman, University of Alabama in Huntsville

    3. Dr. Tommy Morris, University of Alabama in Huntsville

Hardware Reliability

Reliability of non-volatile memory:

Related Publications:

    1. P. Kumari, L. Davies, N. P. Bhat, E. X. Zhang, M. W. McCurdy, D. M. Fleetwood and B. Ray, "State-of-the-Art Flash Chips for Dosimetry Application", in Proc. of IEEE Radiation Effects Data Workshop, Kona, HI, USA, 2018.

  1. P. Kumari, and B. Ray, “Wireless Passive Radiation Dosimeter Using Flash Memory”, IEEE International Conference on Wireless for Space and Extreme Environments (WISEE 2018)


    1. Dr. Daniel Fleetwood, Vanderbilt University, TN

    2. Dr. Narayana Bhat, University of Alabama in Huntsville

    3. Dr. Timothy Boykin, University of Alabama in Huntsville

    4. Dr. Ravi Gorur, University of Alabama in Huntsville

Solar panel reliability

Related Publications:

    1. L. Davies, R. Thornton, P. Hudson, and B. Ray, "Automatic Detection and Characterization of Partial Shading in PV System", in Proc. of IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC), Waikoloa, HI, USA, 2018.

    2. S. Ritter, T. Pigg, C. Brown, B. Ray, “True Random Number Generator using Solar Output Characteristics”, IEEE International Conference on Wireless for Space and Extreme Environments (WISEE 2018).