The Patrol

The Patrol


Within the larger community of Troop 271, the Patrol is a Scout's "family circle". Often made up of boys who are close in age and experience level, each patrol helps its members develop a sense of pride and identity. The Patrol is the building blocks of the troop. Take time to review the Organizational Chart of the Troop either on the Troop website or get a copy from the Scoutmaster.

Patrol Leadership

New Scout Patrol

When new Scouts join Troop 271, they are formed into a New Scout Patrol. They will be appointed a Troop Guide (TG) by the Senior Patrol Leader (SPL). With the TG providing guidance, they plan what they want to do and take part in the Troop outings and meetings just like other patrols. They are helped by an Assistant Scoutmaster (ASM) who adds support. After reaching Tenderfoot rank, the New Scout Patrol members shall be integrated into the regular patrols.

Regular Patrol

    • Patrol Leader (PL). The boys themselves shall elect their PL. The PL shall select an Assistant Patrol Leader (APL). The details of the election and their responsibilities can be found in the Leadership Development section.

    • Patrol Members. The boys divide up the jobs to be done and share in the satisfaction of accepting and fulfilling group responsibilities. The responsibilities of each Patrol member shall include:

      • Helping the patrol prepare to participate in all troop activities.

      • Informing the PL about your abilities and how you could be involved in patrol and troop activities.

      • Carrying out specific tasks that your PL assigns you.

      • Working with others to make the patrol go.

      • Expressing ideas and concerns to your PL so he can have input for the planning and operation of the patrol.

      • Continuing to work on advancement.

      • Having a positive attitude, wearing the Scout uniform, showing patrol spirit, expecting the best from yourself and others, and living up to the Scout Oath and Law.

Patrol Leader

Patrol Membership

Open Season

One month before elections, which would be early-February and early-August, the Scoutmaster (SM) will announce a “Patrol Membership Open Season” that allow boys to change patrols if they want to. The open season will be closed before the next PLC that month. The procedures for the Scouts are as follows:

  1. Pick at least 2 patrol choices

    1. a. One choice can include staying in your existing patrol

    2. b. Your choice may include a patrol that is currently full because there may be some

    3. openings due to movement out of the patrol. Also, some patrol will have some openings when some of the Scouts turn 18 later in the year. If a boy does not get into a patrol of choice, he may be wait-listed and asked later should a slot open up. The wait-list will be held in confidence by the SM.

    4. You may include 1 additional friend that you've confirmed will move with you.

    5. State the reason why you’d like to change. For example, if your current patrol has most of the

    6. Scout at 1st Class and above, you may want to change to have a better opportunity to become a Patrol Leader (being a PL makes an Eagle Board of Review much easier to pass). Or it may be due to some conflict in which case the SM needs to know who, so that he does not accidently move both of you into another patrol. Or it may be due you just wanting a change or some other reason. The reasons for the change will not be provided to the PLC, this will be held in confidence with the SM.

    7. Submit your request to the SM at

Some guiding parameters that the SM and PLC will enforce:

    • The Troop will not allow any existing patrols to get below 6 members and no patrol will be larger than 10 members, so changes will be on a first come first served basis.

    • The PLC will make the final decisions on the changes.

    • Please note that the idea here is to give the PLC some options. Remember, joining a patrol is a two way street. We want you and all of the Scouts to be happy.

    • You need to be Tenderfoot to be in a regular patrol. Otherwise you are in the New Scout patrol.

    • Boys already in a patrol, that don't want to leave, will not be bumped as part of this open season. There could be other reasons to change an existing patrol, but that will be handled as a separate event.



Patrol Method

Patrol Name

Every Patrol shall have a name.

Patrol Flag

Every Patrol shall have a flag and stand. The Patrol shall bring the flag to the Troop meetings, Summer Camps, Camporees, and other official Boy Scout events.

Patrol Emblem

Each member of a patrol shall wear the patrol emblem on the right sleeve of their Scout shirts.

Patrol Yell

Each patrol shall have a Patrol yell.


Your patrol shall be a team of 6 to 8 boys (Scout Handbook, Chapter 2, Your Patrol and Troop, page17, 1998). Troop 271 limits the total membership to 10. This is just the right size for outdoors adventures. Only a few tents and a couple of stoves are needed for this size group to practice leave-no-trace camping.

Patrol Meetings

Troop 271 believes that Patrols are such an important part of Scouting that, in lieu of a Troop Meeting, we sets aside one Tuesday a month for patrol meetings. Every patrol meeting should be well planned and business-like. An agenda might look like this:

    • Call the meeting to order ? Patrol Leader

    • Collect dues, if any ? Patrol Scribe

    • Report on advancement ? Assistant Patrol Leader

    • Report from the latest PLC and other information ? Patrol Leader

    • Planning upcoming outings and troop activities ? Patrol Leader

      • Assigned specific tasks ? Each Scout in Patrol

    • Planning upcoming patrol activities ? Patrol Leader

      • Hikes, over-nighters, service projects, etc.

If a Patrol plans an independent activity outside of the troop activities, two rules shall apply:

    • The SM approves the patrol activity.

    • The patrol activity does not interfere with any troop functions.

At Troop Meetings

Patrols have the opportunities at troop meeting to meet together, to learn as a team, and to share what they know. Whether they serve as the honor guard during the opening flag ceremony, as the presenters of a Scouting skill, or as the organizers of a game or activity, every patrol can contribute to every troop meeting. Troop meetings offer ideal settings for patrols to take part in contests and competitions that test their abilities and their expertise at cooperating with one another.

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