Transportation Services

A little bit about Carrollton Schools and us...

Carrollton R-VII Public Schools district travels about 640 miles per day on everyday routes. The student population has grown to over 868 students, with a total of 4 schools. School transportation is provided to all eligible students, utilizing approximately 14 buses.

Riding the bus

Currently 8 buses are scheduled to transport students on 8 daily routes and shuttles. This year buses will make over 165 stops for children while traveling more than 120,000 miles.

Chuck Ward is the Director for the Transportation Department for the district.

Students must live one mile or more from school to ride a bus unless there is a safety concern.

Notify transportation, on a daily basis, when your child will not be transported.

Notify the school in advance if your address, phone number, or child care arrangements change.

If you have any questions or concerns,

Call Chuck Ward at the Transportation Office, 660-542-0552

Riding the Bus Q&A

Who is eligible for transportation?

Carrollton Schools provides school bus service from home to school and return as well as transportation for activity trips.

Transportation is generally not provided to students living within one mile of the school.

Special transportation consideration is given to students with special needs.

How will I know if the bus will operate in inclement weather?

In the event of inclement weather, building power failure or other conditions, Carrollton Schools may find it necessary to cancel or alter the pick-up or drop-off times. The television and radio stations will be contacted by 6:00 a.m.

Special Transportation

Students who are physically/mentally impaired that require individual assistance or needs.

What are the parent's responsibilities?

Have your child fully clothed; toileted, and ready at the bus stop five minutes before pick-up time.

Accompany your child to the bus stop.

Notify transportation, on a daily basis, when your child will not be transported.

Notify the school in advance if your address, phone number, or child care arrangements change.

What is the parent's responsibility at drop-off time?

If your child receives special transportation follow these additional guidelines:

Meet your child at the bus stop so that the driver can make custodial transfer of your child to you or an authorized person on record at the transportation office.

Students who are not met will be returned to the school.

How can a parent help to make the school bus safe?

Teach your child the school bus safety rules and appropriate bus riding behavior.

School Bus Safety Rules

The following rules will apply to student conduct on District transportation:

1. Passengers will follow the driver's instructions at all times.

2. Each passenger will board and leave the bus in an orderly manner at their designated bus stop.

3. Passengers will sit facing forward and will not stand while the bus is in motion.

4. Passengers will keep books, band instrument cases, feet, and other objects out of the aisle on the bus. Objects carried on the bus must be small enough to be held in the lap of the owner.

5. Passengers will not deface the bus, its equipment, or another student's property.

6. A passenger will not extend his or her head, hands, arms, or legs out of the window nor hold any object out of the window or throw objects within or out of the bus.

7. Passengers will not smoke or use any form of tobacco on school buses.

8. Passengers will not eat or drink on the bus.

9. Usual classroom conduct rules will be observed. Unruly conduct, including the use of obscene language, will subject the passenger(s) to disciplinary action in accordance with the Student Handbook.

10. Pupils should not stand in the street while waiting for the bus. If students must cross a street in order to enter the bus, the students will not cross until a signal from the driver is given. Students must cross ten (10) feet or more in front of the bus.

11. The student will be at the bus stop 5 minutes in advance of the scheduled stop time.


Any student not abiding by the rules stated above will be subjected to the following actions:

1. The bus driver will give a verbal warning. If the behavior persist the driver will issue a Bus Conduct Report, it will go to the Director of Transportation, then to the Principal of the school.

2. 1st Offense: A conference will be held with the student and principal to discuss the incorporate behavior of the student. Detentions may be issued and a copy of the Bus Conduct Report will be sent home to the parents.

3. 2nd Offense: A Bus Conduct Report will be issued to the student. A conference will be held with the student and the principal. The parent will be contacted and a five (5) day suspension from bus transportation may occur.

4. 3rd Offense: A Bus Conduct Report will be issued to the student and a parent conference will be held. The student may be suspended indefinitely from bus transportation unless reinstated by the superintendent of schools or his designee.

The following are extra curricular rules for bus transportation:

1. Transportation must be notified at least one week before an event.

2. There must be one adult or sponsor with each group on the bus.

3. Buses will not be used for home rooms, or clothes changing.

4. Each sponsor will be responsible for the group traveling and school district property.