Accelerated Reader

Mrs. Aprill Lock

7-12 Library Media Specialist

Phone: 660-542-1276

Extension: 4028

Click on the link to the right for AR information on books.

Click on the link to the left for Accelerated Reader.

Carrollton School District currently uses the on-line version of Accelerated Reader. Students, teachers, and parents can view the complete list of what is available at home or at school using AR BookFinder. This can be helpful when looking for a book to check out at the library. Students are not able to take Accelerated Reader (AR) quizzes outside of the school district.

Be aware when selecting a book that some book titles have the basic story and the same author but the details are not always the same. When different publishing companies reprint books they sometimes take details out of the story or change the wording. Example-there are at least 33 different published copies of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain. These 33 different books have basically the same story but the details are different enough so that there are three different tests. You will need to use information from the book such as the publisher, date of publication, or ISBN number to help you determine what test matches the book you have selected.

Also be aware that some authors have written several different books about the same subject. Sometimes these books all have the same title, but these books are very different with different test questions. Example-at this time Don Nardo has written four different books on the subject of cloning. These four books are all called “Cloning”. Just like the example in the above paragraph, you must use the information from the book such as the publisher, date of publication, or ISBN number to help you determine what test matches the book you have selected.

In the examples mentioned above if you have checked out the book from your school library the book will probably have an AR label attached. This label will have a quiz number listed and you can use this quiz number to assist in taking the quiz that is written for your book.

For this current school year students that are enrolled in English I and Reading classes will take the STARS reading assessment. This includes all Freshmen students. The STARS tests shows each student's independent reading level, fluency, and comprehension. Each student's progress is monitored by the teachers.

If you have questions about any of this information feel free to email or ask Mrs. Lock.