Mrs. Hirt

I have always been interested in the world and the history which it holds. I grew up with a thirst for knowledge and travel which drove me to want to become a teacher. With every place I travel, I find myself curious for more information. Whether it be a museum, a national park, some old ruins, or just a road side marker, I seek its historical story.

I've been teaching for Topeka Public Schools since 2012. I graduated from Baker University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in History and Secondary Education. I continued my education through Baker University and completed my Masters in Education.

I teach 7th grade World Geography and Kansas History.

Please feel free to contact me. The best way is through email

If you need to speak with me, you can leave me a voice message at 785-438-4214 and I will return your call before or after school or during my plan time. My classroom is B2. My plan time is MWF from 1:15-1:56 and TTH from 8:18-8:59.