English 101

Course Description:

This writing intensive course focuses on strengthening college-level writing skills, with a particular emphasis on the process of writing: drafting, revising, and editing. Conventions of Standard Written English are reviewed, and attention is given to critical thinking, argumentation and persuasion, synthesis and analysis of nonfiction, and research methodologies. We will also focus on formatting, structure, and the rhetorical moves made in collegiate writing.

Course Objectives:

  • By the end of this course, students will successfully be able to do the following:

  • Write, research, and document an essay in MLA formatting.

  • Demonstrate proper essay structure and development through drafting, writing, and revision.

  • Edit and proofread essays (both one’s own and those of others) through peer-workshops.

  • Respond critically to assigned readings in nonfiction.

  • Understand the components of argumentation, persuasion, logic, and reasoning.

  • Explain and practice research methodologies.