Reading about Science

Do you have a pet?

Many people have pets.  Do animals and people need different things to live?

Check out all the different kinds of pets people have on PebbleGO

Username: trillium  Password: trillium

What kind of pet do you have? Or what kind of pet would you like to have?  

Draw a picture of you and your imaginary pet.

What does EXTINCT mean?

Read about a Tyrannosaurus Rex named Edwina and compare her to the non-fiction book that follows.

Research time! Check out these 10 different dinosaurs on PebbleGo

Username: trillium  Password: trillium

Find out how the dinosaurs became extinct HERE

Click here for some Dino Jokes!

True story!


Listen to the story above and watch the TV news story here

Can you build a tower in only half an hour? Iggy Peck can!!
Listen to Iggy Peck ArchitectThen, challenge yourself to build the tallest tower you can!

What is light?

Transparent or translucent? What is the difference? 

Find out on PebbleGO

Username: trillium  Password: trillium

Game time!  Connect all the wires to the batteries to keep the lights turned on!

Where does Energy come from?

Learn360 username: elem  password: elem

Moby and Annie explain what energy sources are - WATCH!

Energy has been part of the universe from its very beginning. Scientists theorize that our universe began with a "Big Bang". Find out more here