
Examine the illustrations & read along to this beautiful story of a stone that has different meaning to everyone thing around it.

Is this fiction or non-fiction?  Did the stone really change?

Write your own stone story! Think about what different creatures may say or how they may use the stone.  Illustrate your story.

June 20th is World Refugee Day

A refugee is somebody who has been forced to leave their home country because of war, violence or a natural disaster. 

Canada has become home for many refugee children and their families.

LOST AND FOUND CAT is a true story of a refugee family.  Read it here.

Read this CBCkids News story and check out this music video made by refugee students in Quebec!

Malala Yousafzai and Canadian Autumn Peltier show PERSEVERANCE.  

Perseverance means to never give up and keep working towards a goal.

Read MALALA'S MAGIC PENCIL above and watch this interview with Indigenous Water Activist Autumn Peltier.  How are these two girls similar?

What if you had a magic pencil? What would you draw? 

Graphic novels are cool comic book style stories.  Try one out!

username: tdsb /  password: reads  Click the Graphic Novel button

Learn to draw your own comic with Nick Bruel, the creator of BAD KITTY

All you need is a pencil and paper!

Olemaun is now called Margaret. She has returned home!

  But her mother does not recognize her.  How can this be?

Username: tdsb  password: reads

Part 1 of the story can be found here

September 30th was  Orange Shirt Day We learned why we recognize this important day and learned about Canada's RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL system.  

Here is another true story about Truth and Reconciliation in Canada.  Click the green button.