Here are some suggestions to support Self-Help Skills.


If we work on toileting training at home and at school we will have the most success.

1. Have your child sit on the toilet at regular times (every 30 minutes to an hour).

2. When your child pees in the toilet, celebrate! Sing! Dance! Call family!

3. Try to let your child go without a diaper so that your child feels what it likes to be wet. If your child is uncomfortable, he/she will be more motivated to use the washroom. Diapers are too comfortable, they do not let your child feel that she is wet.

Learing How to Get Dressed and Undressed

Hi Everyone,

When you are buying clothes for your child, please think about independence. Try to buy clothing that your child can pull up and do up by themselves. This is the time for your child to learn independent self help skills. If the clothing is too difficult, your child will always be dependent on an adult to get dressed. You do not need to replace what you have. This is for when you are getting new clothes and you are able to make choices. Please see the below table.

Clothing for Independence

We are working hard on teaching your children to get dressed and undressed in all their layers. We need your help. Bring them to a place with no distraction in the house. Point at the item of clothing on the visual sequence, get them started on the correct piece and then see if they can do it by themselves. Then go on to the next piece of clothing. Some students can get undressed and dressed but are very distracted by the busy, noiseness around them. The more independent they are at home, then the easier it will be for them to get dressed undressed in the very stimulating classroom environment. There is also a song that we teach to help the students remember the order of getting dressed in winter.

Morning Routine in Cold Weather.pdf
Going Home in Routine.pdf
Getting Dressed in Winter

General Self Help Skill Strategies

EIT- Building Independence.pdf
Welcome to Kindergarten self care handout.pdf