
PTSO Meetings

The PTSO Leadership Team invites you to join us for our bi-monthly meetings. All teachers, staff and officials of Tappan Middle School, all students attending the school, and their parents or guardians, shall be members of the organization and entitled to vote when present. Please contact the PTSO president if you wish to be included on the agenda. Meetings are the 1st Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. At the moment, meetings are held virtually. Watch the Tappan News for details about PTSO activities.

Join the Leadership Team 

Whether it's your family's first year at Tappan or your last, please consider joining the PTSO Leadership Team. Most positions can be held by more than one person, so find a friend and volunteer! Please see the Resources page for position descriptions.

Tappan PTSO Leadership Team

Leadership 2021-2022

Meeting Agenda and Minutes


Tappan Middle School By-Laws