Frequently Asked Questions

School begins on August 21, 2023;  School ends on May 30, 2024

If you live more than two miles from the school, the district will provide bus service. This information is mailed home before school starts for the upcoming school year. Please go to the SWCS Transportation Department's website for more information. 11th and 12th grade students will need to fill out a Transportation Opt-In Form if they will be riding the bus. If you have further questions, please call GCHS at 614-801-3310.

Schedule Pick Up Night is generally the week prior to school starting. Dates will be posted on the school website and in the NewsHound toward the end of summer. The first day is for Freshmen and new students only, while the second day is for Upperclassmen. When you pick up your schedule, you are able to pay your instructional and participation fees, purchase parking passes, get student ID's and school pictures, as well as meet with various student organizations.

First period begins at 8:00 a.m. and eighth period ends at 3:20 p.m.

All students report to the first period class that is on their schedule. If you have not received a schedule you can pick it up in the Counseling Office.

There are five minutes in between classes. If you find it difficult to get to your locker between every class, try taking materials for two or three classes at a time to eliminate the need to return to your locker between every period.

Grade cards and interim notices are posted in Infinite Campus at each interim and at the end of each nine weeks of school (three times per year).  It is always best to stay on top of your student's grades by utilizing the Infinite Campus system.

Email is the preferred way for parents to contact teachers. Staff emails are located on the school website. They are also listed through Infinite Campus. Email format is Parents may also call the school at 614-801-3300 and leave a message with a secretary, but this is not preferred.

Lunch periods are a regular period of school. They are 50 minutes long. All students must eat in the Commons. Lunch is served 3rd period (9:55 a.m.) through 6th period (1:30 p.m.). Leaving school grounds is prohibited and will result in disciplinary action. You may either buy your lunch or bring your own.

No. All locks are supplied by the school. Your locker and combination will be printed on your schedule, provided to you at schedule pick up. You may try your combination then, and if you experience difficulty, can visit the Locker Problems table for assistance. 

No. Both prescription and over-the-counter medications are to be kept in the clinic. SWCSD medication policy can be found here and this medication permission and instruction form must be completed, signed by a parent and doctor. You are to come down to the clinic and it will be administered to you.

You must get a pass from your classroom teacher before going to the clinic. You will not be permitted in the clinic without a pass from a teacher, and will need to sign in so classroom teachers can confirm the students location and whereabouts. 

There are a variety of sports, clubs and organizations available to students. Please visit the Student Activities link under the Student Information tab to see what Grove City High School has to offer. Feel free to see your school counselor if you need more help finding an activity that is right for you. Students have also developed new clubs over the past couple of years, so see your administrator if you are interested in starting a new club to find out more information!

YES. All student-athletes must pass 5 courses for the grading period, in order to be eligible (PE does not count).  Depending on your year in school, the required GPA is different. Freshman must have a 1.6, Sophomores need a 1.8, and Juniors & Seniors need a 2.0.

A parent or guardian must call the Attendance Office at 614-801-8859.  All Out-Of-Building passes must have been called into the Attendance Office by 10:00 am.

The minimum course load recommended for freshmen and sophomores is 6 credits per year.  For juniors and seniors, the minimum number is 5 credits per year. If you are involved in athletics, it is recommended you take at least 6 credits.

Students may visit the Counseling Office before school, during your lunch period, after school, or between classes.  If the counselor is not available, you must request to see your counselor. Your counselor will call you out of a class period.