Parent Communication Plan

I believe that parent/teacher communication is very crucial for student success. At the beginning of every school year, I contact every one of my parents. If you do not receive a call from me within the first week, please contact me. This means that I do not have a current number, there was no answering machine, or the message was not delivered to you. This is a priority I make within the first week. I also try to make contact prior to each IEP meeting. This allows us to talk about any concerns you or I may have. Also, each nine weeks, in student report cards, you will find progress monitoring reports. They will let you know how your child is doing on each goal we have set for him/her. I also contact parents if there are undesirable behaviors in the classroom. I also ask that you contact me immediately if you have any concerns. I don't want time to pass when we could've been working to remedy any problems. Thank you so much in advance for working with me to give your child the best education possible.