Classroom Management Plan



In my kindergarten, first, and second grade classroom, we use the stop light behavior plan. Every student starts each day on the green light. If there is a behavior problem, I address the student and give a warning. The next offense the child has to move their name to the yellow light. If the behavior continues, the student moves their name to the red light. At the end of class, I privately talk to the student about why he/she is on the red light and explain expectations again. If the student is on green light, they get two stamps on their behavior chart. If the student is on the yellow light, they get one stamp on their behavior chart. If the student is on the red light, they do not get a stamp and you will receive a phone call from me explaining the day. Once the student fills their behavior chart, they get a prize out of the prize box. If you have any questions about my plan, please contact me.