Meet the Teacher

Hello Everyone! My name is Amanda Heller and I live in Franklin with my 17year old son, Scottie, and my 11 year old daughter, Leia. I also have dog named Elsa, and 3 cats named Shadow, Peaches, and Tux.

I graduated from Franklin High School and then went to Clarion University for 2 years. In 2003, I graduated from Gannon University in Erie. I have been continuing my education ever since. I have earned my English as a Second Language certificate and a masters as a Reading Specialist. I am also close to finishing my principal certification.

This is my 17th year of teaching and I am loving every minute of it. I really enjoy working with the students and preparing them for the future. It is my belief that learning can be made fun and still be efffective. Continue to ask your students about all of the activities that we have done.

As for my personal life, I recently got married. We really enjoy watching sports, especially football, basketball, & swimming. In Erie, I was the Girard High School Head Swim Coach. I also coached down at the Franklin YMCA for a few years, but I decided to spend more time with my family.

My favorite team is the Pittsburgh Steelers. A few years ago, I had season tickets and sat right in the end zone. It was so much fun! This year we will be going to a few games, but would like to go to more. GO STEELERS!!