Student Accomplishments

As well as promoting the full ensemble experience for students in the instrumental music program, Franklin High School is proud to offer the individual student opportunities to experience the joy of making music with students outside of the home school.  The students that participate in the music festival experience have the opportunity to increase their individual technique and musical skills in a real world, competitive setting.

Franklin High School recognizes our students hard work and dedication to the instrumental music program by presenting three awards at the end of their senior year.  The Harold E. Pixley Memorial Band Achievement Award (director from the mid-1940's to 1973) is given to the student who has participated in the most instrumental music activities throughout their four years of high school.  The Principal's Award For Instrumental Music recognizes the student with the second-most participatory activities in instrumental music.

The Edwin W. Frye Jazz Achievement Award (director from 1973 to 1995) recognizes the student who has made the biggest impact within the jazz program at Franklin High School.


1996                               1997                              1998                            1999

David Roode                 Jon Roode                     Jon Roode                  Clayton DeWalt

2000                               2001                              2002                            2003

Clayton DeWalt            Jennifer Latshaw         Jennifer Latshaw       Jennifer Latshaw

                                                                              Joanna Fuchs

2005                               2006                              2007                             2009

Kyle Walter                   Randy Frye                    Theo Dixon                Ryan Hricsina

Randy Frye                                                            Jim Free

2010                               2011                              2014                             2015

Ryan Hricsina               Michael Spaid              Alex Spaid                   Makenzie May

                                                                                                                    Becca Mullen

2018                               2019 2021 2022

Tyler Weiss                   Kirk Morrison Noah Taylor Noah Taylor



2001                            2008

Clayton DeWalt         Ben Thurau

(jazz band)                (vocal jazz rhythm section)



2007                        2010

Ben Thurau           Ellen Clarahan



2019                        2020

Lindsay May          Logan Green

Harold E. Pixley Memorial Band Achievement Award 

1973-Terri Winger

1974-Virgil Loudermilk/John Stuck

1975-William G. Ray

1976-Jenny Hines

1977-Mary Anne Doherty

1978-Lynanne Thomas

1979-Donna Frye

1980-Melinda Harlan

1981-Mike Harlan

1982-Diana Smith

1983-Patty Sterrett

1984-Robert K. Frye

1985-Chris Duffee

1986-Walt Johnston

1987-Matthew Ferry

1988-Steve Johnston/Bill Sharp

1989-Shane Judy

1990-Brian Ferry

1991-Shelley Beers

1992-Faith Hamilton

1993-Ryan Schenck

1994-James Gavlik

1995-Jennifer Glaubach

1996-David Roode

1997-Lisa Spang

1998-Jonathon Roode

1999-Amanda Getsinger

2000-Chris Roode

2001-Clayton DeWalt

2002-Curtis Tate

2003-Jennifer Latshaw

2004-Alex Bastecki

2005-Kyle Walter

2006-Randy Frye

2007-Jimmy Ivell

2008-Shawn Peters

2009-Theo Dixon

2010-Ryan Hricsina

2011-Michael Spaid

2012-Harrison Greene

2013-Megan Mullen

2014-Alex Spaid

2015-Rebecca Mullen

2016-Hunter Hawke

2017-Dallas Starcher

2018-Adam Taylor

2019-Megan Billingsley

2020-Logan Green

2021-Jordan Irvine

2022-Noah Taylor

2023-Justyne Boal

Principal's Award For Instrumental Music

1996-Ray Houser

1997-Jeff Ivell

1998-Bob Chambers

1999-Emilee Girty

2000-Ben Barrett

2001-Scott Woloszyn

2002-Joanna Fuchs

2003-Sam Wentworth

2004-Jennifer Nye

2005-Allan Perkins

2006-Amanda Dailey

2007-Joslyn Dechant

2008-Raymond Wolkan

2009-Benjamin Thurau

2010-Sara Hoffman

2011-Stephanie Carr/Zak Ray

2012-Nick Smith/Ashley Zaccari

2013-Matt Gahr

2014-Nick Sehman

2015-Makenzie May

2016-Zac Beers

2017-Ryan Carter/Zach Stryffeler

2018-Megan Weaver

2019-Jeremy Chatley

2020-Abby Secor

2021-Tyler Walkowski

2022-Joshua Brenan/Genna Hoover

2023-Matthew Wimer

Edwin W. Frye Jazz Achievement Award 

1999-Shane Doverspike

2000-Rob McClimans

2001-Clayton DeWalt

2002-Erica Smith

2003-Amanda Lawton

2004-Tim Switzer

2005-Scott Williams

2006-Zach Addington

2007-Nick Rex

2008-Nathan Frye

2009-Benjamin Thurau

2010-Burt Hines

2011-John Zurcher

2012-Alex Hoover

2013-Megan Mullen/Matt Gahr/Dan Pratt

2014-Brandon Shick

2015-Becca Mullen

2016-Hunter Hawke

2017-Zach Stryffeler

2018-Tyler Weiss

2019-Zach Taylor

2020-Carly Calderone/Caden Hagg

2021-Miles Hoffman

2022-Joe Martin

2023-Justyne Boal/Koben Parry/Matt Wimer